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I'm a fan of both fact and fiction. I research and write year-round. I work and volunteer in libraries, because books will always be my true love. Jorge Borges described "...Paradise as a kind of library." I couldn't agree more! I enjoy producing material we will read on earth and in Heaven - ideally. Paperback books are printed on some of the many trees in the mystical Garden of Eden we can partake of. Not the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, but the permissible Tree of Life. The stories we read give us our imagination and our inner life. Reading gives us access to what is infinite by stimulating our mind and shaping our thoughts.


I will be busy with books if I make it beyond the Gates of Heaven. I hope you'll remember reading my creative writing when we cross that bridge from death to life and I hope you'll return to a familiar page and rediscover the joy you once experienced turning the page. Look toward the future, Yeru


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